I was approached by Mary Bratko of WeddingGirl.ca about shooting some jewelry for a lady by the name of Rose. O and after setting it up I was excited to do something out of the ordinary with jewelry... I mean everyone always does the basic normal blah shots of jewelry. So after pulling up to Rose's house, my mouth dropped when I Took in all the beauty that her house and the scenery had to offer. Mary was also with me for the shoot and really came through with an incredible amount of creativity, not to mention making sure we didnt lose any jewelry in the yard,lol. With the amount of snow that had fallen it was perfect to place the pieces of amazing artwork around the yard and in the Zen garden. Here are just a few from the incredible outing and for the chance to shoot something as cool as this.
The Man behind the lense!

- eleven.eleven
- I am a very passionate person with a hunger for taking things and making them as creative as possible. I LOVE sharing what ideas and visions I have in my head to the world.. My photos are not just photos they are a window into how I portray the world. :: If you would like to contact me about anything photo related I'd love to hear from you.
Contact Info:
Phone: (905) 941-2324
E-mail: eleven11photography@gmail.com
E-mail: eleven11photography@gmail.com
(Re)engagement shoot: Matt and Mary
So as many of you know.. Matt and Mary are already engaged with an amazing wedding planned for January at Disney... but as a sign of how much Mary loves Matt.. she put together a string of clues.. where Matt would have to go to each one (which by the way are spread around the Niagara area).. figure out the clue which led him to the next place.. all the places were of great importance into each others relationship. After all ten balloons were achieved, Matt was left with one balloon left.. which landed me hiding at the chapel in the Niagara falls casino. we walked around and snapped off a couple moments of amazing happiness, both Matt and Mary were so happy and all smiles. definitely made my job easy... here are a couple from that night..
Wedding: Janie & Ray
I had the chance to shoot with Joel Smith on a wedding that was planned, organized, as well as enjoyed as part of a giveaway. Janie & Ray were the lucky winners of the contest.... and couldn't have been more happy and thankful for this amazing and gracious wedding. The amount of love that was at this wedding was un-believable.
Sports: Innisfil hockey tournament.
This past weekend I had the chance to drive up to Innisfil with Barry Springle , owner of DSP ( Digital Sports Photography). I had a blast getting to know Barry and asking him a thousand questions. Early mornings were accompanied with a monster coffee and breakfast sandwich as most early mornings require. DSP has one of the nicest set-ups for on loacation printing and viewing. It was a good time shooting and putting up the shots from the game before the parents even have a chance to leave the stands... Barry and I would trade off so that there was always someone at the table. I went into this tournament blind, shooting with unfamiliar gear. We used a Canon 1D with a f2.8 Canon 300mm attached to a Monopod.... WHAT A MASSIVE LENSE!!
All in all the weekend was filled with learning, laughter, and even conversations with the owner of a scuzzy rundown motel about Battlestar Galactica... which we didnt ask him to bring up..lol.
All in all the weekend was filled with learning, laughter, and even conversations with the owner of a scuzzy rundown motel about Battlestar Galactica... which we didnt ask him to bring up..lol.
For More of Barry's Work and DSP visit http://www.dsphotography.ca
Wedding: Christy & Dan Muir
These are from a wedding that Joel Smith and I did back in October. The wedding was great and it was a perfect october weekend with all the fall colouring, Joel had asked me to second shoot for him which was my first time ever shooting a wedding... I was a bit nervous but I think it went really well and Joel was very pleased with how my shots turned out... Joel was a great teacher and really took to helping me and showing me a ton of stuff to make things easier for me. He really made the nervousness go away.
See more of Joel's work at Joel Smith Photography
Wedding: Gina & Glenn
Rick had asked me if i could assist and second shoot for him on this wedding, the day was perfect. I made my way over to Glenn and the guys place while Rick went to Storm with the girls. After all that we met up at the church for the ceremony. After the ceremony we went down to the Ft.Erie waterfront in which i jumped in the FREEZING water to make sure Rick was getting good lighting... im glad it helped and im glad it put a smile on everyones face. Rick and I went to a really awesome train bridge after and all in all, the day was great.
See more of Rick Denham's work at Rick Denham Photography
Animal shoot: "Crosby"
I was over at a close friends house and had my camera with me... I couldn't pass up the chance to snap a couple shots of "Crosby" the cat.. who has to be one of the cutest cats I have ever seen. Now I wont be posting alot of Animal and Leisure style shots on here, but i wanted to set up the blog as well as you have to start somewhere.

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